by Dave Conklin A new round of lab tests was begun on March 21st at Carollo Enginners UV Test facility in Portland, Oregon. The MS2 phage was used as a surrogate pathogen for the tests. Untreated water from Portland’s well field was adjusted to 81% UV transmissivity using Super Hume and inoculated with the MS2 […]


By Dave Conklin Last month I wrote about our work to adapt the water box to the conditions that we have encountered in our field test in Uganda. In early December our Ugandan colleagues completed the preparations that they could make for deploying two dozen water boxes to test households. Recruitment of participant households and […]

How Tough Is It? – The Water Box Can Take A Beating

by David Holman and Dave Conklin, DayZero Products We wondered what kind of damage might occur to the water box if it were to experience likely accidental impacts. We tested two scenarios, one where the case slips from the hand of a user while carrying it by the handle, and a second one, where it […]

Storing Water

The Seattle Office of Emergency Management (OEM) recommends storing 1 gallon of water per day for 7-10 days

Water Storage Survey

In the event of an emergency water is of the utmost importance in any survival kit. This applies whether sheltering in place or evacuating. The CDC provides a guide for storing emergency water and since water is JOB 1 we are curious as to whether its recommendations are followed and if not what alternate solutions […]

The 10,000-Crank Test

The website challenged DayZero to pull 5 of our hand-cranked generator water boxes off the shelf and turn the crank 10,000 times on each one.